Rep. Maria Salazar: ‘Socialism Fails Wherever It Has Been Tried, and We Don’t Want it Here’

by Nicholas Ballasy


Socialism “fails wherever it has been tried, and we don’t want it” in the United States,” Florida Republican Rep. Maria Salazar (R-FL-27) declared Thursday.

Salazar has teamed up with Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-La.) to reintroduce a House resolution that denounces the “horrors and failures of socialism.”

The resolution states that socialism has “repeatedly led to famine and mass murders,” killing of over 100 million people worldwide.

Salazar, assistant House Republican whip, said the dangers of socialism hit home in her South Florida district, home to many refugees from communist Cuba and their descendants.

“The district I represent is one that knows the failures of socialism all too well,” Salazar said. “My constituents understand firsthand the consequences socialist ideology brought to our continent: misery, oppression, and exile.”

Socialist and communist policies lead to a “totalitarian state that deprives its citizens of basic freedoms and human rights,” said Scalise.

The American people, he added, have “seen the horrors of communism and the tens of millions killed by regimes” in China, the Soviet Union, North Korea, Venezuela, Cuba and other countries.

“Hundreds of thousands of Russians, Chinese, Cambodians, Koreans, Cubans, and Venezuelans have fled from murderous communist dictatorships and have legally resettled here in America,” Scalise said. “They are a living testament to the barbarity of these socialist regimes and the promise of the American dream.”

Passage of the resolution, Salazar’s office said, would make a “bold statement that the People’s House unequivocally denounces this cruel and unjust ideology” and “ensure the United States commits to never begin or normalize the implementation of socialist policies that inevitably lead to economic ruin and political authoritarianism.”

Salazar’s resolution is supported by a large group of House Republicans. Just the News asked the congresswoman’s office if any House Democrats have signed on to support the resolution but did not receive a response before press time.

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Nicholas Ballasy has been breaking news for more than a decade in the nation’s capital and questioning political leaders about the most pressing issues facing the nation. Since 2008, Ballasy has interviewed former President Bill Clinton, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, former President Donald Trump, Sen. Mitt Romney, Sen. Bernie Sanders, Sen. John McCain, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, former Vice President Al Gore, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and more.
Photo “Maria Salazar” by LogCabinRepublicanFL. Background Photo “U.S. Capitol” by Thuan Vo.



Reprinted with permission from Just the News.

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